
A man who knows how to build

About How To Build Stuff

How to build
The poor guy doesn’t know how to build anything

During the last 6 years Daniel has worked as designer, consultant and project manager for numerous building projects. The projects he has been involved in ranges from small porches to huge hospital buildings. Before that he worked 5 years as a carpenter on small to medium housing projects. To say that he knows his way around a building site would be an understatement.

Because Daniel has made a reputation for himself as the go-to-guy for all building related questions, friends, family and total stranger often seek him out for a consultation. The questions can range from “how do i build a fence?” to “should i use steel, concrete or timber as the primary material when building my house?” to “can you help me calculate the size of the main girder for my garage?” Now, it must be mentioned that Daniel loves to help people out when they need it, but sometimes it is just too much.

This is why he now has decided to launch this website. His plan is to turn this into a well of information on how to build all kinds of stuff so that he can direct people who need help here. That said, you don’t have to approach Daniel in person to make use of the content here, it is available to anyone who has an interest in it.

The stated goal is to create high quality instructional articles that everyone can understand. Even someone who has virtually no experience in building should find the articles useful. This, however, does not mean that the examples and projects in the articles will always be easy to build. It just means that Daniel will try his best to make it as understandable for everyone who wants to give it a go.

A problem with other how to build sites is often measuring units and availability of material dimensions and qualities across different countries. Here we will try our best to give suggestions so that it can be used by both Americans and Europeans.

From us to you, enjoy the instructional how to build articles and good luck on your project.